Coming next
From Fear To Courage
Come join us in this 3 hour workshop!
We explore practical ways to
find our way back to courage, no matter what the life brings us.
Saturday 22nd March 2025, from 4pm to 7pm CET.
- including recordings to be re-watched whenever you want to!
How much time do you spend being afraid?
How big a part does fear play in your daily life?
If you're like the most of us, probably too big a part.
Our thoughts seem to be easily drawn to things that could go wrong, ranging from tiny to huge.
Does any of these thoughts and fears sound familiar:
What if I run out of money?
What if they don't like me?
What if this relationship/work/goal/money situation never works out?
What if my husband/wife/partner/daughter/son/child/mother/father/sister/brother/loved one/boss/colleague/friend/neighbor/anyone keeps on doing that thing I don't like?
What if this (whatever is bothering you physically) is serious?
What if this (whatever is bothering you in the world) is only getting worse?
What if, what if, what if.
Two words that can make us feel small, scared and powerless.
Come join us in this 3 hour workshop
From Fear To Courage
Saturday 22nd March 2025, from 4pm to 7pm CET.
In this Zoom workshop, we'll explore the practical ways to
find our way back to courage, no matter what the life brings us.
We'll be discussing what fear is, the different ways we can see through the fear and regain our courage and power.
We'll be releasing, and sharing other tools that support us after this workshop. There will be plenty of time for questions, discussion and sharing, as well as for asking for assistance - in a warm, supporting and uplifting atmosphere.
As a participant, you'll get access to the recordings, so you can re-watch and remind yourself of these tools whenever you want to.
Tickets 52€/42£
These workshops are like a breath of fresh air.
Like you had a long, refreshing holiday with friends - in just a few hours.
Come and let yourself be revitalized!
Workshop program:
Katja Törmänen
Sedona Method Instructor
The Roadmap From Expecting The Worst To Inner Safety
We often spend a lot of time being afraid. Our thoughts are easily drawn to things that could go wrong, ranging from tiny to huge, and these times appear to give lots of reasons to be afraid. And actually it doesn't even matter what we are afraid of - the common thing is that the thing we are afraid of, isn't here now. We are only expecting it to happen, and it's these expectations that make us feel bad, that drain our energy.
Even though, looking back, our worst fears hardly ever come true.
And even in the rare case they do, they never go the way we thought they would – and so far we have survived them all.
And it doesn't even matter what we are afraid of. We can be afraid of hights, of mice, of not sleeping, of a loved one getting mad at us or doing that thing we hate again, of running out of time or money or love, of getting ill or old or fired, or of our relationship, lease or the world ending – the common thing is that the thing we are afraid of, isn't here now. It's the expectations that make us feel bad, that drain our energy.
Even though, looking back, our worst fears hardly ever come true.
And even in the rare case they do, they never go the way we thought they would – and so far we have survived them all.
However, it's pointless trying to get rid of fear. Fear is just a
part of life, and our lives become much easier and more enjoyable,
when we see fear for what it really is: not a prophecy, but just a
feeling that can be released.
And there is so much courage, strength and joy in all of us, beyond the fear.
In this part of the workshop we'll be drawing a roadmap from expecting the worst to inner safety - something that will support you once the workshop is over.
Yvonne Spence
Sedona Method Instructor
How Self-Compassion Helps with Fear
"The thing of which I have most fear is fear."
— Michel de Montaigne, 16th century French writer.
Fear of fear is universal, and so is beating ourselves up for feeling it! Often, we try to get rid of fear: because we don't like it and because we don't like ourselves for feeling it. Ironically, this only makes us feel worse.
Fear, by its nature, stimulates us to act in dangerous situations, and when we face those, usually we instinctively know what to do. We don't stop to think rationally if a tiger is chasing us. We just run. But often in modern life (and apparently in the 16th century) it can feel as if we're in life-threatening situations even when we aren't. We can't always run from what's scaring us, and so we get stuck in a loop of feeling fear and feeling fear of that fear.
Self-compassion is often the last thing we think of when we're afraid, yet ironically it helps us calm, to face our fears and to naturally feel more courageous.
this part of the workshop, we'll look at why self-criticism worsens fear and how
self-compassion can help. We'll also explore practical ways to support
ourselves after the workshop is over.
Join us in our 3 hour workshop
Fear To Courage
you'll find your way back to courage, and start enjoying your life in
a relaxed, clearheaded way - no matter what the life brings.
Saturday 22nd March 2025, from 4pm to 7pm CET.